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Jo LinehanJo Linehan is a sustainability journalist and consultant. She is the host of the Futurist podcast and contributes columns to Irish Country Magazine and The Sunday Times. She is also the founder of GAFF Interiors and GAFF Shop.
Jelly beans danish tootsie roll carrot cake lollipop cupcake chocolate topping. Apple pie topping brownie. Jelly pie chocolate bar tart gingerbread jelly-o. Marshmallow sweet dessert apple pie.

Pastry jelly beans macaroon halvah lollipop. Pudding caramels sesame snaps gummi bears icing sesame snaps apple pie muffin. Fruitcake croissant muffin chocolate bar lemon drops jelly beans danish bear claw dragée. Caramels lollipop sesame snaps oat cake. Muffin sugar plum muffin.

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1Video test
caption here
3Web link added before linking to content items in the same paragraph - doesn't work

Pastry jelly beans macaroon halvah lollipop. Pudding caramels sesame snaps gummi bears icing sesame snaps apple pie muffin. Fruitcake croissant muffin chocolate bar lemon drops jelly beans danish bear claw dragée. Caramels lollipop sesame snaps oat cake. Muffin sugar plum muffin.

NOTE: First link, Caramels lollipops, is working.  Second link, Muffin sugar plum... is to this page.  

4Web link added before linking to content items in a new paragraph - does work

Pastry jelly beans macaroon halvah lollipop. Pudding caramels sesame snaps gummi bears icing sesame snaps apple pie muffin. Fruitcake croissant muffin chocolate bar lemon drops jelly beans danish bear claw dragée.

Caramels lollipop sesame snaps oat cake. Muffin sugar plum muffin.

5Web link added after content link in the same paragraph - does work

Caramels lollipop sesame snaps oat cake. Muffin sugar plum muffin. Pastry jelly beans macaroon halvah lollipop. Pudding caramels sesame snaps gummi bears icing sesame snaps apple pie muffin. Fruitcake croissant muffin chocolate bar lemon drops jelly beans danish bear claw dragée.

6NEW TEST -> Bolding links

Example of copy bolded. Example of content that has been linked.  Example of content that has been linked and is bolded.

7Image test
8UGC Gallery tests

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